Stage 3 native planting for NAIDOC
In Term Two, Stage 3 students took possession of eighty precious plant babies kindly provided by the Shoalhaven Bush Care Network. These...
Year 4 get creative with fruit
This week, Mrs Burge's Year 4 class drew pictures of objects that they then recreated using fruit. Here are some of their amazing creations!
Stage 3 Get Early Taste of NAIDOC Week
This week, some Stage 3 students from 5P got to mark NAIDOC Week 2020 early. Students learnt about some of the native fruits and herbs...
Mechanics in the making...
This term Stage One students have been busy learning about the History of Transport, investigating how vehicles have changed over time. ...
Space Day: out of this world!
In week 6, Year 7 participated in a mini Space Day incursion. This was a great opportunity for the students to participate in a range of...
Relay For Life 2020 - Update
Last term, 18 Stage 3 students and staff joined together to make 'NCS Prime Movers 2020'. They were involved in raising funds and...
Blake helps beautify our school
With the help of Mrs Lawrence, Blake was tasked with beautifying the new primary school planters around our new trees. In March, Blake...
Harley speeding into the lead!
5P student, Harley D, has been busy during March. As well as joining up and getting online sponsorship for NCS's Prime Movers team for...
Primary Super 8’s Cricket
On the 3 March, Years 5 and 6 students played at the Super 8’s Gala Day. Our team: Kent E(c), Caleb M(c), James M, Myles M, Mitchell J,...
Primary swimmers make a big splash!
On Monday 9 March, eleven of our primary department's finest swimmers headed up to Blacktown Aquatic Centre for the CSSA Primary State...