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Instrumental Program

There are many intrinsic benefits of learning to play a musical instrument, especially as part of a concert band. The joy, wonder and camaraderie that students feel when dealing with music are rewards that are often experienced, and are only some of the intangible benefits for music students, who are immersed in a positive, motivating and enriching musical environment.

Students at Nowra Christian School have the opportunity to learn a concert band instrument from year 4 onwards. Instruments can be hired from the school, and students learn in small groups with an instrumental tutor until the end of primary school.

Apply now the for 2024 Instrumental Program for Year 4

Apply now for the 2024 instrumental program for years 5 and 6

Instrument Allocation and Care

Primary Concert Band

As students gain the skills necessary to play in a group setting they become part of the Primary Concert Band. Primary Concert Band trains students to work as a team, follow instructions, listen to each other and contribute their individual part to a broader whole context. Students learn to read and interpret scores. They are given the opportunity to perform at school and within in the community.

Secondary Concert Band
Secondary Concert Band build upon this framework, providing a great opportunity for students to grow their God given abilities in music. There is an emphasis on students serving others, as they perform at a range of events within the school and wider community. Students develop a great sense of belonging and teamwork in working toward performance goals and achieving them together.

Form for Secondary Instrumental Hire

"Learning an instrument is fun but going in a band or an ensemble is great! It's a great way to work as a team and is very calming"
Leyton W

Music Tutors/Peripatetic Teachers

We are blessed with a range of skilled private music teachers at Nowra Christian School.  Students are taught for half hour sessions during school hours and prices vary between teachers.  Please complete the registration form if you would like your child to start peripatetic lessons. 

List of peripatetic teachers

Registration for NCS Peripatetic Lessons 2024

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