
Seniors settle in with Foundation Studies
On Monday Years 11 and 12 began Foundation Studies. The whole day was dedicated to making a smooth start to our Senior schooling by...

A wonderful display of 'community' at our Flag Raising Ceremony
Our school community joined together with local Aboriginal Elders, dignitaries and special guests to celebrate the raising of the...

South Coast Youth Leadership Forum
Last weekend, three Year 10 students: Isabelle M; Kaylee B & Micah P; joined a select group of students, from other local high schools,...

HSC Visual Arts Exam Workshop
NCS students attended a combined schools study day to master their upcoming HSC Visual Arts examination. Craig Malyon, experienced Visual...

Success at Showcase!
Monday 9 September was a night for our Stage 6 Creative and Performing Arts students. The night was held to showcase the woodwork...

InTech - Timber. Major Project Completion
A huge congratulations to our "Industrial Technology - Timber" students who have now completed their major projects. The projects have...

Kiama Electorate Student Leaders Forum
On 20 June, the Secondary Prefects departed Bomaderry Railway Station at 6:40am to journey to NSW Parliament House in Sydney. It was a...

Our visit with the Governor
Last Thursday, Elizabeth C and I, Tamsyn M, travelled to Sydney to attend the Secondary Schools Leadership Program at Parliament House....

Senior Girls Netball CSSA Gala Day
On a rather unlikely, grey and overcast day, a delightful group of Years 10 and 11 young women attended the Christian Schools Sporting...

Advanced English watch 'The Tempest'
On Friday, 10 May the Year 12 Advanced English class travelled by train to Sydney to see a production of 'The Tempest' at the Seymour...