
Primary State Swimming - Splashdown!
Monday of Week 8, 17 NCS students from Years 3-6 made the trek up to Western Sydney's Blacktown Aquatic Centre to compete in the 2019...

Stage 2 AFL Gala Day
On Wednesday, 27 March, Stage 2 students enjoyed their AFL Gala Day at Artie Smith Oval in Bomaderry. After rain the week before, our...

Volleyball Gala Day - Open Boys
Last Wednesday, 13 March, NCS sent an open boys team to compete at the CSSA State Gala Day. Our team performed really well and...

Stage 3 Inter-school Football & Netball Friendlies
Over the past month, Stage 3 students from Years 5 and 6 have had the pleasure of hosting four friendly sport competition sessions...

Yrs 3-6 Students Make a Splash @ Primary Zone Swimming
Monday, 25 February was a picture-postcard perfect day for our Primary Zone Swimming Carnival, held at Nowra Aquatic Centre. 32 of our...

NCS Netball Action
Stage 3 girls have been training hard in lunch times for 4 rounds of games with Nowra Anglican College netballers, that are being played...

AFL Legends
70 determined NCS students from Years 5 and 6 launched themselves into 'Aussie Rules' AFL games with energy and team spirit last...

Primary Super 8s Cricket
On 14 February, Primary students represented NCS at the Super 8's Cricket competition in Wollongong. Our team included Jonathan M (c),...

Years 7/8 Touch Football Gala Day
Students from Years 7 and 8 traveled to Milton last Tuesday to take part in an all-schools event run by Touch NSW involving schools from...

Hotchin Cures the Drought
One year had passed since Nicholas H had last hit the back of the net. The State Futsal Competition began as the crowd anxiously waited...