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Stage 3 Inter-school Football & Netball Friendlies

Over the past month, Stage 3 students from Years 5 and 6 have had the pleasure of hosting four friendly sport competition sessions against another local school, NAC.

Girls played netball and we also had a mixed football and futsal squad. Around half of our students played in one or more of the matches. Results were about even, with some victories and losses recorded for both schools.

The spirit in which the games were played was fantastic, as they were billed as 'friendlies' - with 'SPORT' being the overall winner! It was a pleasure to witness the netball 'huddles' and football 'cheers' at the conclusion of each week's matches. There were some great examples of skillful play with some spectacular goals scored in futsal and football. The way that the 'A' and 'B' netball teams rallied together to support one another was very special. Quite a number of students had opportunities to referee or umpire matches. For most of them this was their first time of doing so. Whilst studying 'Fair Play' in PDH lessons this term, students have had plenty of chances to put into practice what they have been learning. So, thank you all NCS students who participated; you represented us admirably.

Special thanks to Hayley E's dad, Mark, for helping put together this initiative with Mr Parker. Thanks also to Mr McLennan and Mrs Varga for their assistance too. It has been a great success.

Playing sport with other schools in and around our area in the future should continue to be a priority, as it helps our students to develop resilience, and other positive character traits, as well as building a greater sense of school spirit.

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