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Great weather for ducks - and swimmers!

On Monday, 26 February 33 NCS students participated in the Primary Zone Swimming.

Even though precipitation was abundant for most of the event, there were smiles and fun to be had throughout. The parents, grandparents and helpers ended up nearly as wet as the children who swam!

The NCS team represented our primary department with great skill and dedication, many of them filling in for other students who weren't able to make it on the day.

There were great results in the pool. Joseph Petts finished as 11 Year Boys Zone Age Champion - a fantastic achievement.

There were places at the state carnival in Blacktown 'up for grabs', so many of our primary students tried their hardest and managed to finish in the top three for individual or relay events. The following have made 'the cut' to represent our South Coast Zone's Team at this elite level: Keonie Adams, Daniel Bishop, Josh Cash, Corinne Clifton, George Deaves, Kent Ellery, Latoya Mewis, Jai Miles, Layla Miles, James Mundey, Linkin Pearce, Rubymay Pearce, Cameron Percival, Joseph Petts and Alexis Wright-Joyce.

A huge THANKS go to our parent helpers, especially Mrs Cindie Pearce, who was TEAM MANAGER on the day. They set the tone for the impeccable way that our students behaved and conducted themselves in the pool. They are a true credit to their families and our wider school community.

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