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Poetry in Action

On Wednesday, 8 May a touring group called ‘Poetry in Action’ visited NCS to perform for Years 7-10.

They had created a dramatic performance based around poetry, with the aim of instilling in students an understanding, but more importantly, a passion for words and ideas. Their performance was humorous, educational, inspiring and uplifting. Throughout, they performed dozens of poems from great poets throughout the ages. These poets included Banjo Patterson, William Earnest Henley, Ariana Grande, and Eminem. Students learned about the power of words, seeing how they had been used to change the world. They were given an insight into the techniques poets use to convey emotions and feelings, such as love. Students were given time at the end to ask questions, and they used the time well, asking the presenters what attracts them to poems and other texts. Students study a variety of poems throughout their time at school. ‘Poetry in Action’ was a great way to revisit why we study poetry, and what it can do.

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