Last Friday we participated in a leadership day for students in Years 10 and 11 who had put their names forward to become a School Prefect. This event was run by Mr Bray, Mr Petts and Mrs Meek. It was an educational day designed to prepare us for leadership in our school. We started the day by brainstorming the attributes of a good leader with Mr Bray. We also reflected on what it means to be a leader and our own motives for nominating to become a Prefect. We acknowledged that there are two types of leaders: the one whose motives is purely for themselves; and the one who leads for the benefit of others. We made judgements on where we sat between, or with, each side. After that we watched a Ted talk on the importance of the main idea and supporting ideas in a talk. We followed a simple structure to create a plan for our own devotion and shared them with everyone. This was a helpful activity as it demonstrated the multiple directions a talk can take from one passage. We ate a delicious morning tea, provided by Mr Petts, and then had our next session with Mrs Meek. This session focused on leadership within our school, reading through our School’s Statement of Faith, as well as our Code of Conduct. From 1 Timothy 3, we drew a biblical perspective of a good leader’s traits. Individually, we reflected on our own strengths and weaknesses as leaders and shared them with the group. For lunch, we shared Thai, from the Leaf Restaurant, before our final session with Mr Petts. This session was dedicated to the importance of roles in a group. We took the Belbin Survey, similar to a personality test, which told us the types of roles we would be best suited for in a group. This was interesting because some people were placed where they didn’t expect. Overall this Leadership Day was very challenging and helpful to us. We believe that these leadership days are beneficial for the future leaders of Nowra Christian School. Tamsyn M and Lachy W
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