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Career and Study Pathways in the Shoalhaven

Image: Courtesy of The South Coast Register, for more images visit

As Stage 6 Subject Selections rapidly approach and university early admission programs begin to open, many of our students are faced with the ‘I don’t know what to do when I leave school?’ dilemma. Fortunately, the Shoalhaven Careers Advisers Network (SCAN) in collaboration with many other local businesses, predict this problem year after year and organise two events to help students plan for their futures. The annual Taste of TAFE was held on Wednesday, 20 June at the beautiful Bomaderry TAFE campus. All Year 10 students were given the opportunity to register for this event. The four students who did register were able to ‘taste’ three TAFE courses of their choosing on the day. For some students, the day reinforced their desire to study a TVET course in Years 11 and 12, while others were inspired to chase different study pathways. Building on the Taste of TAFE, the Shoalhaven Careers Expo was held on Tuesday, 26 June at UOW Shoalhaven Campus and was open to all Years 10, 11 and 12 NCS students. This year was particularly exciting as it was the first year in many that NCS was able to attend as previously the event was held during our Winter Conference Week. The Careers Expo was overflowing with representatives from TAFE, UOW, Defence Forces, HVTC, as well as private colleges like Whitehouse Institute of Design. Many local businesses and agencies were also represented on the day, allowing students to talk to a range of professionals about industry, study, training and employment opportunities. In response to these two events, parents are encouraged to chat with their children about future study pathways, in particular options that may have stood out to their child at Taste of TAFE and the Shoalhaven Careers Expo.

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