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Mini CRU Kindness Ninjas

On Friday of week 6 around 60 of our K-2 students turned into 'Kindness Ninjas' at lunch time for our first ever Mini CRU. CRU is a lunchtime group which runs in over 180 schools across NSW and the ACT and is supported by Crusaders. In our CRU lunchtime groups we learn about God, pray, play games and generally enjoy spending our lunchtimes with other people who want to do this too.

Our normal CRU meetings are for Years 3-6 but this time we thought we would run one especially for the younger students in our school. It was so much fun! Why 'Kindness Ninjas'? Our passage was Matthew 6:1-4 which talks about being kind to others because we love God and not because we will be praised for our work. We talked about the idea of being like a ninja when we are kind. To do kind things without telling people about it or even without being seen. We played some fun games where we had to sneak like a ninja, did a ninja colouring and everyone got a ninja mask to take home. Thank-you to the amazing 5/6 leaders who gave up their lunch time to serve the younger students: Kayleigh Weissel, Abi Heard, Corrine Clifton, Ashley Visser, Noah Tasker, Noah Skewes, Darcy Thomas, Delaney Powell, Charlotte Schofield and Katie Shepherd. We couldn't have done it without you!

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