Wednesday 6 December @ 6.30pm

Our annual Thanksgiving and Presentation Service will be held on Wednesday 6 December. This is a great evening where the School community comes together to recognise the faithful efforts of students at NCS.
We strongly urge all families to attend this special event. While some awards are given on the night, the main focus is to recognise and celebrate everyone’s hard work and to give thanks to God for what He has helped us to achieve throughout the year.
ALL Students are required to properly wear a neat, clean FULL SUMMER SCHOOL UNIFORM. Prize winners will be unable to receive their prizes on stage if they are not in full and correct uniform.
The evening STARTS at 6.30pm. Students are asked to be here NO LATER than 6.15pm and will sit with their classes.
Arrangements for students in the Band/Primary Choir will be advised directly to them.