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Elevated during Foundation Studies

Monday was the first day of Foundation Studies for our 2018 Year 11 & 12 students. Elevate Education came and presented sessions on Student Elevation and Time Management.

The Student Elevation seminar covers such topics as: techniques for self motivating; the role of belief and self-efficacy in performance; developing a growth mindset; increasing motivation through goal attachment and breaking goals into manageable tasks and deadlines.

The Time Management seminar included developing routines to balance study and lifestyle; working smart by completing high value work; utilising study groups to leverage time; and, techniques for overcoming procrastination.

Monday night saw parents of our senior students meeting with the teachers for a positive and informative time together.

Elevate Education shared the key points from the seminars their children had attended; strategies for how these skills can be reinforced at home; as well as a question/answer time. Their aim is to assist parents to help their children navigate their final years of school.

A sample of students’ responses to feedback form:

How would you rate the overall program?

“Super handy, very informative and helpful for the future.” (Caleb)

“Really good. 9/10” (Nick)

What was the most important thing you learned today?

“How to properly manage my time, about putting the non-studying parts first on a timetable/plan for the week” (Lydia)

“I found the time management session extremely helpful in improving my marks. Especially the non-required tasks work in improving marks and reducing stress.” (Jonty)

“To create a planner to manage your time well …” (Paris)

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