Our Rugby year has been very successful, with a highlight being the way in which our girls have performed at a number of events beginning with their giant-killing performance at the Kiama Rugby 7’s tournament in term two and finishing this week at the inaugural CSSA Rugby 7’s Carnival at Bowral.
In between, we held our annual Rugby Gala Day with Southern Highlands Christian School on a very well prepared NCS oval (thanks again Mr Hefferan) which saw our senior and junior boys and girls teams take on our friends from Bowral, followed by a delicious lunch prepared by Mr Clarke and some of his 9/10 Food-Tech students.
One of the high points of the year has been the progress of our own up and coming rugby star, Ruari Von Prott, who has led and coached our girls to some very impressive performances as well as making significant progress in her own Illawarra and NSW representative career. We look forward to watching how her career progresses into 2018. All of our students have once again displayed skill and teamwork typical of far more experienced players and it has been very encouraging to see new players in their first season in 2017.
Congratulations to all the students involved:
Ruari Von Prott, Alyssa Smart, Charlotte Dickinson, Olivia Condon, Liz Curline, Zoe Plant, Tessa Marks, Rachel Curline
Ben Lawrence, Ryan Power, Tyler Watkins, Matt Becker, Caleb Mackie, Ryan Davie, Jaya Brown-Abeleven, Joey Ellery, Aaron Tasker, Joel Clifton, Taylor Clifton, Nick Hotchin, Zack Barber, Villi Morgan, Sam Chittick, Jayden Blackmore, Ethan Von Prott, Jamieson Maulget