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Joel to represent NSW in Athletics

On the penultimate weekend in February, Joel H (Year 6) raced in the NSW Junior Athletics Championships at Sydney Olympic Park.

Joel was entered in both the 1500m and 800m races. In his 1500m race, he ran a huge 14 second personal best time (PB) and was 2 seconds faster than the Under 14 National qualifying time, which means he is now off to represent NSW in the Australian Athletics Championships at the end of March 2020!

In his 800m race, he ran a 6 second PB and was only 1 second away from the National qualifying time.

Well done, Joel! Everyone at school and your family are very proud of the achievements you've gained in distance running during recent years. Hard-work, dedication and determination are just some of the attributes you have displayed 'in bucketloads' to get to where you are today. Keep up the good work, Joel!

We look forward to hearing about how the Nationals Championsips go at the end of this month.

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