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A note from Mr Bray - 2 November 2018

Focus Verse: ‘Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.’ (NIV) Proverbs 22:6

Thank you to Mrs Meek, Head of Secondary, for writing our first Bytes article for Term 4. Certainly many exciting events have occurred at NCS in the two weeks that have elapsed since then. I will look forward to sharing just some of these in a few moments.

However, I would like to begin this article by first taking a little journey down ‘Memory Lane’. Over the past few weeks my attention has been drawn to a scrapbook of newspaper items that has been enticingly placed on the table in our NCS staffroom. A few days ago, I decided that it was time for me to investigate further so, with cup of tea in hand, I sat down to peruse the pages of this scrapbook. What I discovered was a ‘treasure trove’ of stories covering many of the key moments in the history of our school.

I thought that I would share just one of these interesting moments with you and it is one that I can relate to as I remember back to my appointment as Principal at Nowra Christian School just two short years ago.

This article appeared in the local newspaper late in 1986 and it referred to the appointment of a new Principal who was to commence his duties at what was then known as Nowra Christian Community School from January 1987. Of course, this ‘new’ Principal was Mr George Windsor who would go on to faithfully serve our school in this role for 10 years.

Yes, there have been many changes that have occurred at our school since January, 1987 but a number of the comments that Mr Windsor made in his newspaper interview remind me that some things must never change. He stated, ‘I find the prospect exciting, it has long been my ambition to work at a Christian community school.’ Mr Windsor went on to say ‘The school is superb….It will assist parents in the Christian education of their children and so the school and home instruction will not be in conflict.’

I trust that, our parents, carers and students would agree with Mr Windsor’s very positive assessment of our school. I believe that it is a special privilege to belong to the NCS ‘family’ and we owe a deep debt of gratitude to Mr Windsor and to many others who worked faithfully to ensure that our school would continue to provide an authentically Christian educational program.

Certainly much has occurred at NCS over the past fortnight or so to confirm the positive assessment of our school that was presented by Mr Windsor nearly 32 years ago. We have had students representing Nowra Christian School in a variety of sporting endeavours that have taken them as far afield as Sydney. Other students have displayed their musical, artistic, woodworking and dramatic talents at events such as the Stage 5 ‘Inspire’ Showcase, at the Shoalhaven Combined Schools Musical Concert held in the Great Hall at the University of Wollongong and at the launch of the 2019 Eistedfodd Program, hosted at NCS.

I had the special privilege of accompanying a group of Years 9 and 10 students to Canberra where we visited the National Art Gallery and the Australian War Memorial. Many valuable learning experiences occurred throughout this stimulating excursion. Also, during this past week, our Primary students were provided with a special treat when Aleesah Darlison, an internationally published, award-winning author, who has published more than 40 children’s storybooks, spent a day at NCS running a series of interactive workshops.

At the same time, our Kindergarten staff have been very busy presenting a series of Kindergarten transition programs for the 43 new students who will be joining us next year. I have been delighted to meet with the many parents, carers, and even some grandparents, who have joined us for afternoon tea whilst their children have been having their first real taste of ‘big’ school!

This last week has provided me with two further enjoyable opportunities, one of which is still to occur as I write this article. Last Thursday I had the pleasure of accompanying Mrs Bate and two of our Year 9 students as we assisted with the Brekky Club program at Nowra East Public School. What a delight it was to observe the friendly manner in which our students served the young children who arrived for breakfast! On Friday, I will travel by train to Sydney with Mrs Meek, Head of Secondary, and 6 of next year’s senior school leaders. We will join with a large crowd of Secondary school student leaders from all around NSW as we are addressed by four inspiring speakers at the National Young Leaders Day to be held at the International Convention Centre.

And we mustn’t forget that, during this past fortnight, our Year 10 and HSC students have been kept very busy undertaking their end-of-year examinations. Thank you to the many parents and carers who are faithfully upholding our students in prayer throughout this demanding time.

These are just some of the many and varied programs that have involved your children during this past fortnight.

My brief journey through the pages of the NCS scrapbook reminded me of the importance of teaching our children about the truths contained in God’s word. This has been the key priority of the many staff and Board members who have faithfully served our school during the 38 years that it has been in operation. It has also been the desire of the many Christian parents who have entrusted their children into our care during this time. The Bible has numerous verses that refer to the vital importance of ensuring that we consistently teach our children about God’s word and His purpose for our lives. My focus verse for this week refers to one such verse that will be very familiar to many of us. It comes from Proverbs 22:6 and states, ‘Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.’ I trust that this aim will always lie at the very heart of our Nowra Christian School educational programs.

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