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Mr Vidler says his final farewells

One of our much loved Secondary teachers, Mr Neville Vidler, said his final farewell to staff on Wednesday after faithfully serving at NCS for over 33 years.

Mr Vidler and his wife, Brenda, hosted over 40 staff members at their beautiful home in Kangaroo Valley for a lovely lunch.

Our Board Chair, Mr Paul Dickinson, thanked Mr Vidler again for his wonderful service to our school and for the 'life lessons' he has taught to so many students over his many years at NCS.

Mr Vidler was presented with a lovely framed photograph of a local Kangaroo Valley swimming spot.

Thank you Mr Vidler for hosting us all at such a special lunch. We will greatly miss your input and experience. We wish you both God’s richest blessings as you enjoy a much deserved retirement!

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