Welcome back to all members of our NCS ‘family’ as we commence our Term Two journey. I am writing this article on Tuesday, 25 April which is, of course, Anzac Day. This is a very special date in the history of our nation and I am pleased to state that our School has been actively involved in a series of events that have acknowledged the deep significance of the Anzac tradition.
On Monday, we held a special K-12 Anzac Assembly in the Church Hall. I was very pleased to note that a number of parents, carers and extended family members were also able to join us for this event. NCS student leaders played a major role throughout this assembly, including leading in prayer, presenting Bible readings and the laying of wreaths. Four NCS students, who are also either Navy or Airforce cadets, formed the catafalque party for our assembly. We were delighted to have a number of special guests at this assembly. Mr Fred Campbell (former parent) presented ANZAC books on behalf of Nowra RSL Sub-Branch. Navy Chaplain, Andrew Watters, was our guest speaker and he provided a challenging message about the courage of the young men and women who have answered the call to defend our country when our freedom has been threatened. I would wish to sincerely thank Mrs Adrienne Varga, who is our School’s Defence Transition Mentor, for her most professional role in organising this very important assembly.
Anzac Day started very early for my wife and me, and many others in our community, as we attended the Parade and Dawn Service at Greenwell Point. This was followed by a further Parade and Service in Nowra. On each occasion, I was pleased to join with other parents, students and staff from NCS as we marched with current and past members of the armed services to the locations where the official ceremonies were to take place. Once again, NCS student leaders laid wreaths on behalf of our school.
These special Anzac ceremonies were what drew my attention to the focus verse for this week. It comes from John 15:13 and states, ‘Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.’ This spirit of service and sacrifice on the part of thousands of young men and women is what was being powerfully recognised at each of these services. It reminds us also of the amazing sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross as an atonement for our sins. It is this life-changing event that we have so recently celebrated during the Easter season.
By the time that you are reading this article, the first week of term will have concluded and what a busy and exciting week it promises to be! On Wednesday, Mr McLennan, Head of Primary, and I will travel to Canberra for the day to spend some time with our Years 5-6 students and staff who will be participating in a three day camp in our nation’s capital city. Many exciting and informative events have been included in the itinerary for this camp.
Then, on Thursday, I will travel to Port Hacking, to spend a day and night with our Secondary students and staff as they enjoy the delights of the Secondary Camp. Mr Heard, Board member and Senior Pastor at the Nowra Baptist Church, will be further exploring our 2016 theme of ‘Who is this King?’ with our students during these three days. I have been reliably informed that this Camp is one of the highlights of the School year for Secondary students!
Please be on the lookout for entertaining reports and photographs that will provide highlights of each of these School camps.