Nowra Christian School is committed to developing strong relationships with students and creating an environment in which every student is engaged in Christian discovery. Some of the initiatives the school has implemented to encourage students in their relationship with Christ and also equips students to share the gospel with others include:
Learning support
Extra support is available for students with additional learning needs. Students are either given one to one help, small group withdrawal programs or an extra teacher who can stay in class with the students to provide additional help in class. We have seen great improvement in the development of different students as we cater for their needs by designing and implementing individual education plans, and reflecting on how we can help each individual reach their full potential in their learning.
Chaplains - Nowra Christian School employs under Federal Government funding, a Primary and Secondary Chaplain to be on-site one day a week to provide pastoral care services, biblical teaching and strategies that support the emotional well-being of the broader school community.
FIT and LIT - These events, Followers In Training (FIT) and Leaders in Training (LIT) give participating students the opportunity to learn about being disciples of Jesus and disciple makers.
CRU Group - Led by our Primary Chaplain and student leaders, this event takes place once a term during lunchtimes. Primary students have the opportunity to explore what it means to be followers of Jesus.
Secondary small groups - run by student leaders assisted by the Secondary Chaplain, these groups are a great opportunity for students to develop leadership skills whilst discipling younger students. The groups are conducted during lunchtimes catering for various age groups and genders.
Pastoral Care - All staff at Nowra Christian School are committed to the pastoral care of our students. Year Advisors in the High School have oversight of each year group and work with Teachers, Chaplains and our Learning Support staff to help our students. Theses staff are available to discuss with students and parents any issues that arise. Our Year Advisors communicate with parents by collecting information from other staff to make some informed observations about the progress of each child, academically, socially and spiritually. They will also deal with discipline issues. Over time, Year Advisors will get to know each student in their care very well.
Senior Mentoring program - Our senior students are also given an opportunity to meet one to one with a member of staff in our mentoring program. The goal of this program is to help students manage what may be a stressful time for them as they work towards their HSC examinations. Staff will advise how senior students can balance their time between school work, outside part time work (if there’s any), church commitments and family.
Other support for our students include our morning AM Groups and fortnightly assemblies. There is an array of support structures and processes in place as a result of our MindMatters and KidsMatter programs.