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Clarification on uniform and expression of interest for the soft-shell jacket

Dear Parents/Carers

It has been wonderful to see our students return to school this week. Many seem very happy to see their classmates and have returned with an eagerness to continue their learning. The transition back to full-time face-to-face learning has been relatively smooth. However, there has been some confusion over uniform requirements as we move into the colder months. I would like to clarify a few things:

Our uniform is now an all-year-round uniform

There is no longer an official winter uniform. This means primary girls may continue to wear their summer dress with or without navy tights. Students may choose to wear long pants now instead of shorts. On really cold days where students are unlikely to remove their jumpers/jackets, they may choose to wear an extra long-sleeve layer under their uniforms. These should be as close to school colours as possible.

To view the current all-year-round uniform requirements, please visit our website.

Transition period until end of 2021

As we are still transitioning to the new all-year-round uniform, students may, until the end of 2021, choose to wear the old winter uniform. If students are wearing the old winter uniform, they should meet all the requirements of that uniform (excluding secondary ties, please see below).

Soft-shell jackets expression of interest form

We had hoped to have our new soft-shell jackets available this term. Unfortunately, due to a number of factors, this has not been possible. We are now getting close though and we would like to ask all families who are intending on purchasing a jacket (likely to be in Term 3) to complete this expression of interest form. This will ensure our initial order of jackets is likely to meet the demand. Please complete this form by next Monday, 1 June 2020. Thank you.

Until our soft-shell jackets are available, students may wear their sports jackets and for extra warmth can add a jumper/Sloppy Joe underneath. These are both uniform items that are currently available and will be required in the long-term.

Secondary ties

As secondary ties are no longer part of the official uniform, for consistency and ease of monitoring, we have decided to allow students to not wear ties, even if they are still choosing to wear the old winter uniform.

I trust that this communication has clarified the uniform situation for you. Thank you to all our parents/carers for your commitment to partnering with us to uphold our school’s uniform policy. If you have any further questions/feedback regarding the uniform, please complete this uniform feedback form.

Kind regards,

Mr Rob Bray


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