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Year 7 Big Day Out

The excursion to Bangalee Reserve was a well thought out day that we all enjoyed. The scenery was incredible as we were walking through the paddocks and bush, but the bugs were a pain. My favourite part would be splashing my friends with water at the jetty. It was a great way to spend time with friends and get out to the bush for a change, but in the future bugspray will be needed! Dakota P

The excursion was great! My personal favourite activity was bushwalking because we stopped at a boulder and we climbed it. The other thing I liked was catapulting because anything that you launch something with is fun. Ned G

It was really fun. When we did the bush walk we got to climb up some trees that were safe and I even made some new friends on the way! Amelia English

It was really fun; it was the best day ever!! Charley B

My favourite part of the day was when we were on the jetty having a massive water fight. Overall it was a fun, exciting day! Madeleine C

I really enjoyed when we were talking to the leaders at lunch and listened to their stories. Ministry K

The day was very good; I liked everything about it. I got to make new friends and improve my relationships with my friends. I liked splashing out on the jetty and going on the bushwalk. Erik K

Just being able to admire God's creation and see everything on the Shoalhaven River was pretty amazing! Overall a pretty great day! Shae A

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