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Micah sets off on a World War adventure

Earlier this year our school was delighted to announce that Year 10 student Micah P had been selected for the 2019 NSW Premier’s ANZAC Memorial Scholarship.

The scholarship provides an opportunity for Micah to join 19 fellow scholars from schools across NSW for a 16-day trip that will include tours of significant historical sites and battlefields in France, Belgium and Germany. The tour allows the students to gain insight into Australia's experience of conflict and the lessons of war and to develop a greater understanding of the significance of the ANZAC tradition and the role it plays in Australian identity.

Micah leaves on this exciting tour this Friday 27 September and he will return on 13 October. The tour will travel to Munich, Berlin and Nuremberg in Germany, Dunkirk, Normandy and the Somme in France and Flanders in Belgium, visiting historical sites, memorials, battlefields and cemeteries.

Micah said he was very excited when he learned his application had been successful. “Dad was in the Army for 10 years so I’ve always been interested in military history. I was very excited when I found out I was selected. “Now, I’m really looking forward to it,” Micah said.

Micah shared about his upcoming tour at the Secondary assembly on Friday.

"I am hoping to gain a better understanding of what it was like to be someone who had war affecting them right on their doorstep.

"I am really looking forward to actually being in the places where the Australians were in WWI and WWII," Micah shared.

Micah is particularly interested in visiting the Dachau Concentration Camp near Munich, Germany.

"I know it will be difficult and challenging to visit the camp but a very important experience at the same time," he said.

The contingent of 20, 16-year-old scholars will be escorted by three supervising teachers, a NSW Government representative and a tour historian.

“It is really such a significant honour for Micah to have this opportunity to travel and explore the world and connect with other students from around the state. He has shown that he is an outstanding applicant and we all look forward to following his journey and hearing about his travels on his return. We are thankful for such an amazing opportunity for Micah," Mrs Hetherington said.

All the best Micah on your trip and we look forward to seeing the photos and hearing all about your experiences when you return next term!


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