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NCS Prime Movers at Relay for Life

The Relay for Life is a fantastic opportunity for students to show compassion and care towards those with cancer and raise funds for cancer research. Held at the Nowra Showground last weekend, team members took turns walking from 9:30am till 8pm Saturday, and some teams had members walking all night until 9:30am Sunday. A few participants even walked (or ran) for the whole 24 hours!

Highlights of the day included the Survivors lap for those who have beaten cancer, and bands and choirs performing throughout the day to inspire all the teams.

The stall run by Mrs Bellette was very popular as students could collect a bead for every lap they completed. Some students walked up to 20km on the day. A huge effort!

The NCS Prime Movers team of 21 stage 3 students has raised $3,400 already, and will be continuing fundraising with a staff car wash in Week 11.

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