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'Splash and Dash' success

On Thursday 26 October, nine NCS students from Stage 3 made their way to Penrith Regatta to compete in the CSSA State Triathlon / Biathlon. The Primary event (known as Splash and Dash) consisted of a 200m open water swim followed by a 2 km run.

In the individual boys event, Ollie E finished 30th in 16 minutes 56 seconds and Robert VP finished 56th in 22 minutes and 52 seconds. In the individual girls event, Lili M finished 16th in 16 minutes and 16 seconds, a great result.

For the teams events, Lili swam and Caitie S ran, finishing in 5th place in an incredible 12 mins and 54 seconds. This was in a field of over seventy teams. The boys teams competed well, with Ollie joined by Rohan B for the run, which resulted in them finishing in 23rd place in 12 minutes and 59 seconds. Our other boys teams were Linkin P and George D who finished 50th in 15 minutes and 13 seconds. Finally, Toby A 'gusted out' the swim leg and Hamish M finished the run 'with a wet sail' coming home in 78th place in 18 minutes and 55 seconds.

There were so many great highlights as Primary students got a taste for what the full triathlon event might be like. Mr Harrison convened the event for the last time and is very encouraged by the level of participation and enthusiasm shown. Thanks for all your hard work Mr Harrison.

There were hundreds of competitors from Christian schools all around NSW who took part throughout the day, as well as many family members and friends who came along to support them.

Thanks so much to our NCS parents who took time off work to drive and cheer on our students. We really appreciated it.

We look forward to our school's continued interest and participation in this wonderful event in the future.

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