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Over the mountain and into the past

On Tuesday, Stage 1 traveled over Cambewarra Mountain into Kangaroo Valley and into the past at Pioneer Village Museum. This was the culmination of our Past and Present Unit. The children and staff dressed up in their olden day clothes and explored the grounds of the Pioneer Farm.

The children stepped back in time to see what it was like to live as their grandparents and great grandparents once did. Among the different buildings there was a dairy, school house, forge, settler’s hut, settler’s cottage and a museum. There were many recordings and visual displays for the children to listen to and experience what life was like in the early 1900’s.

During their lunch break the children were able to play olden day games of marbles, elastics, skipping and egg and spoon races.

I really enjoyed going to the museum because it was a really fun experience for all of us. - Charlotte

I felt happy because I had fun seeing all the olden day stuff - Cooper

We went to the school and listened to recordings of the olden days and children doing their times tables. We loved the barrel, we were all good at it and went really fast. We played egg and spoon races. - Grace P.

The teacher looked scary at the school and the George Walker suspension bridge was wobbly. - Myles

I enjoyed the barrel because you were running and it was fun. I liked the forge because it showed you how the cows carried things. - Tyler

We would like to thank all of the parents, along with Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Kenny and Mrs Varga who came with us to help. You all helped to make our excursion a special day and a special memory for all of Stage 1.

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