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AVC Regional Competiton

Last Friday, a group of secondary students, from various year groups, attended the Aeronautical Velocity Challenge which was held at Ulladulla High School. The group was split into three teams: the Senior Plane Team; Junior Plane Team; and Junior Bottle Rockets Team. The plane teams day consisted of building two planes out of balsa wood, one for height and the other for speed. At the end, the teams chose a plane to dog fight with the other planes. The Bottle Rockets team consisted of building rockets out of old soda bottles and fins out of a plastic material. Water is put into the rockets, then air is compressed into them and they are shot across a field. The day was challenging but an immense amount of fun. The Junior Planes Team came runners up in their competition. The Senior Planes Team and the Junior Bottle Rockets Team both won 1st place. These teams will be attending the Open Schools Nationals Competition next week. By Elizabeth Curline A BIG thank you to Mr Lawrence for giving us this opportunity and for taking us to the competition in Ulladulla.

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