On acceptance of the school’s offer of a place at Nowra Christian School for the student we agree to abide by the conditions listed below:
1. We recognise that Nowra Christian School is a Christian school whose purpose is to partner with families to equip students for life through the provision of quality, Christ-centred education, founded on Biblical values. The school desires that all students come to have a personal faith in Jesus Christ and seeks to impart to all students a Biblical understanding of God and His creation and a Christian way of living.
2. We understand that the school is founded on Biblically based beliefs. We have read the school’s Statement of Faith and accept that it is the basis of all teaching, curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities in the school.
3. We agree to work in partnership with and actively to support the school in fulfilling its purpose and we will encourage the student to do the same.
4. Recognising that the school is committed to the safety and well-being of all its students, we agree to support the school in its efforts to provide a safe school environment that supports student well-being and effective learning.
5. We agree that all communication between students, parents, visitors and staff members should be conducted in a courteous and respectful manner as befits a Christian community.
6. We agree to avoid confrontation and criticism in public and accept that there is no place in the school community for sarcasm, derogatory remarks, inappropriate familiarity or offensive comments.
7. We agree to support the values and to abide by the rules and expectations of the school as set out in the appropriate publications such as the Code of Conduct, Choose Respect poster and Parent Handbook as published from time to time at the Principal’s discretion. We note that the student must do the same and we agree to encourage the student in this. In particular, we have noted the school’s requirements in relation to discipline, home study, uniform, attendance, a safe learning and working environment and leave.
8. We acknowledge that both of us are to be involved in decision-making about the student’s education (unless a court has indicated otherwise). We agree to work together, and with the school, in making decisions about the student’s education that are in the student’s best interests.
9. We understand that the school requires parents/carers and others to observe school security procedures for the protection of students from direct contact with those outside the school during school hours and that we are only to make contact through the school office.
10. We understand that the school requires parents/carers to be actively involved in the school through attendance at parent/carer-teacher interviews, parent/carer information evenings and parent/carer forums.
11. We agree to attend a ‘NCS Perspective’ evening during the first year our first child is enrolled at the school.
12. We note that the school encourages our feedback, particularly in relation to the student’s progress, to facilitate the school and the student’s family working together for the benefit of the student. We agree that our communications with the school and its staff will always be in accordance with the procedures determined by the Principal from time to time.
13. We promise that we have fully disclosed any special needs of the student (including but not limited to any medical, physical, learning or psychological needs). Where any disclosed special needs change or where any special needs arise, we agree to notify the school immediately. We also agree to complete the student’s medical form accurately and provide annual updates for the school.
14. We acknowledge that the school may from time to time collect personal information about parents and students which is necessary for the school’s function or activities. We authorise the school to use and disclose such information in such manner as the Principal thinks fit for the purposes of the student’s education, health, care, welfare or development. We have read the school’s Privacy Policy and Standard Collection Notice as found on the school’s website. We give permission for images of the student to be placed in the school’s records, displayed from time to time around the school, and published in school publications, on its website, on social media and in other marketing and promotional material, unless we specifically notify the school otherwise.
15. We agree to advise the Principal immediately of any changed family circumstance that may affect the student’s emotional, physical or social well-being. We also agreed to provide to the school all current court orders (if any) relating to us and the student. We note that the school’s Privacy Policy deals with the confidentiality of such information. We understand that the school is not responsible for the enforcement of any such orders and agree that we must comply with them.
16. We agree to the school sending communications (such as newsletters and school reports) to us and any parent/carer of the student.
17. We acknowledge that the Principal (or Principal’s nominee) may search the student’s bag, locker, mobile phone and electronic devices or other possessions where there are reasonable grounds to do so. The Principal may also carry out camera surveillance and computer surveillance which includes using software or equipment to monitor the use of computers, the sending or receiving of emails, the accessing of websites and the use of social media.
18. We agree to pay to the school all fees and charges for tuition, extra subjects, excursions, camps and the supply of goods and services to the student as determined by the School Board and as published in the Fee Schedule from time to time. We understand that, by agreeing ‘jointly and separately’ to pay all fees and charges, both of us are responsible to pay such fees and charges. We further understand that this means that, if one of us fails to pay the fees and charges, the other one of us is fully responsible to pay the fees and charges, irrespective of any arrangement between us or with another person (for example, another family member) as to who is to pay. We accept that the school will not enter into disputes arising from disagreements between us over responsibility for paying the fees and charges.
19. All tuition fees are based on a four-term year and charged annually at the beginning of the year. Fees may be paid in:
a) one payment at the beginning of the year, or
b) equal weekly, fortnightly, monthly or termly installments provided the installments would clear the fees owing by the end of that calendar year.
20. If an account for fees and/or charges is not paid in full by the end of the term in which they are due, the student’s enrolment may be suspended and the school may subsequently, without further notice, refuse entry to the student or terminate the student’s enrolment.
21. We understand that no remission of fees, either in whole or in part, will be made if the student is absent due to illness, leave or suspension, or if the education provided by the school is delivered, in part or whole, by online or remote learning.
22. We acknowledge that the student’s personal property is not insured by the school, which does not accept any responsibility for loss of, or damage to, personal property.
23. We understand that our acceptance of the school’s offer of a place for the student implies that the student will complete the their schooling at the school unless unforeseen circumstances arise.
24. In the case of a conditional Kindergarten offer of enrolment, we understand that this offer may be rescinded by the school once the School Readiness Report is received and should the school determine that the student is not yet ready for enrolment. In this circumstance, there would be a full refund of any family enrolment fee already paid.
24. We accept that, if we wish to withdraw the student thereby ending the student’s enrolment, we must give a full term’s notice in writing to the Principal. The notice must be given no later than one week prior to the end of the preceding term. If this notice is not given, we agree to pay a term’s fees including any applicable GST. This amount is a genuine pre-estimate by the school of the loss that it would suffer because we have not given the required notice.
25. We agree that the Principal may, by giving us three months’ written notice:
a) end the student’s enrolment if the Principal considers that a mutually beneficial relationship of trust and cooperation between us and the school has broken down to the extent that it adversely impacts on that relationship; or
b) end the student’s enrolment at the end of an academic school year where the student has, in the Principal’s opinion, failed to meet the requirements of NESA or has otherwise failed to make satisfactory progress in the student’s academic work.
26. We agree that the Principal may end the student’s enrolment if:
a) we have provided, or do provide to the school before or after our acceptance of the school’s offer of a place for the student, information which is materially incomplete, incorrect or misleading; or
b) we fail to comply with these conditions.
27. We agree that the Principal may, in the Principal’s absolute discretion, but subject to affording the student procedural fairness, suspend or dismiss the student for breaches of rules or ill-discipline even if the offending conduct takes place away from school premises or outside normal school hours.
28. We agree that the school may send notices and fee accounts to us at our email address last notified to the school.
29. We agree that the school may change these Conditions provided it gives us at least two terms’ notice and that the new Conditions take effect from the beginning of a calendar year.
30. We agree to tell the school about anything that could affect the student’s ability to participate in the school’s program or activities and of any change in our contact details or where or with whom the student is living.
(Where more than one person is signing this form)
Each of us agrees that our obligations to the school, as set out above, are joint and separate and, subject to the Conditions, may only be ended by one of us at the end of three months after that one gives notice, in writing, to the Principal, of his or her desire to be released from such obligations.